80% of organizations believe that insufficient or obsolete technology is hindering innovation


NTT DATA Report: Outdated Technology Holding Back Innovation and Organisational Progress

NTT DATA, a global IT infrastructure and services company, has released its inaugural Lifecycle Management Report, revealing that 80% of organisations worldwide believe that outdated technology is hindering their progress and innovation efforts. The report, based on 25 years of data-led insights, surveyed nearly 1400 senior technology decision-makers across 130 countries.

According to the report, 94% of C-suite executives feel that legacy infrastructure is a major obstacle to business agility. Additionally, the study found that more than two-thirds of currently active hardware globally will no longer be supported by 2027, posing a significant challenge for organisations.

The report highlights the importance of aligning technology strategies with business needs and offers actionable insights to help IT leaders mitigate risks and maximize the value of their hardware and software assets. Recommendations include developing a holistic view of technology assets, standardizing procurement practices, optimizing costs, and improving service provision.

Gary Middleton, Vice President of Networking GTM at NTT DATA Inc., emphasized the critical role of infrastructure lifecycles in IT management. He stated, “Effective lifecycles can result in huge business benefits, from increased efficiency to fostering greater innovation. However, inefficient lifecycle management can pose risks to security and business continuity.”

The Lifecycle Management Report aims to assist organizations in enhancing their infrastructure lifecycle processes and unlocking the benefits of efficient management. The full report can be downloaded from the NTT DATA website.

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