Interview with Hacker from the US Department of Defense: “I don’t choose sides, I play all sides and come out on top”


The Origin Story of USDoD: A Dive into the World of Hacktivism

The enigmatic leader of Black Forums, known by the alias USDoD, recently shared his origin story and insights into the world of hacktivism in an exclusive interview. USDoD, who inherited the legacy of his predecessor Astounding, revealed his journey from being a curious young child fascinated by computers to becoming a prolific hacktivist with extraordinary capabilities.

USDoD’s first hack, which occurred between 2 and 4 years after he got his first computer, led him down a path of cyber vigilante justice. He recounted using social engineering to expose a pedophile in a gaming community and later gaining root access to a federal agency through a web shell exploit. His hacktivism ideology emphasizes neutrality and fighting corruption without picking sides in geopolitical conflicts.

The interview also delved into USDoD’s darker pranks, where he targeted organizations connected to the police and local government by placing fake rewards and wanted posters for his rivals. Despite the controversial nature of his actions, USDoD justified them as necessary in the face of persistent enemies and personal threats.

USDoD’s ethical worldview, which includes conducting both blackhat and whitehat activities, highlights the complexity of the hacker’s moral compass. He emphasized the importance of aligning ethics in the line of duty and fighting corruption without causing harm to society.

In a message to aspiring hackers, USDoD encouraged exploration, learning, and the pursuit of greatness while cautioning against stealing from the weak and vulnerable. His story sheds light on the intricate world of hacktivism and the personal sacrifices made for the preservation of humanity.

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