Government agencies team up to create a comprehensive handbook for combating DDoS attacks


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), in collaboration with the FBI and Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), has released a comprehensive guideline for organizations to defend against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. As the threat landscape continues to evolve, DDoS attacks have become a preferred method for malicious actors looking to disrupt government websites and services.

The guideline highlights three primary forms of DDoS attacks that organizations should be prepared to face: protocol-based attacks, volume-based attacks, and application layer-based attacks. These attacks can target vulnerable protocol implementations, overwhelm target systems with traffic, or exploit weaknesses within specific applications, respectively.

Security experts have weighed in on the significance of the joint advisory, emphasizing the need for proactive defenses against DDoS attacks. Ken Dunham, Cyber Threat Director at Qualys Threat Research Unit, highlights the evolving nature of DDoS tactics and the importance of deploying countermeasures at the network edge to mitigate the impact of sophisticated attacks.

Darren Guccione, CEO and Co-Founder of Keeper Security, underscores the ease of execution and potential financial losses associated with DDoS attacks, emphasizing the importance of implementing network monitoring and incident response plans to mitigate damage.

John Gallagher, Vice President of Viakoo Labs at Viakoo, applauds the advisory for breaking down different attack methods and providing recommendations for enhancing defenses, but suggests a stronger focus on bot eradication to combat the growing threat of DDoS attacks originating from vast botnet armies.

Overall, the joint advisory serves as a valuable resource for organizations seeking to enhance their cybersecurity posture and defend against the persistent threat of DDoS attacks. By following the recommended best practices and implementing proactive defenses, organizations can better protect their critical infrastructure and services from malicious actors.

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