French Sites Face Increased Threat of DDoS Attacks Ahead of Olympics


Russian Hacktivists Claim DoS Attacks Ahead of Paris Olympics

As the Paris Olympics draw near, Russian hacktivists have made their presence known by launching denial-of-service (DoS) attacks on several prominent French websites. The cyber threats looming over the upcoming Games have been a topic of concern for media outlets for months, with past Olympics having experienced similar incidents.

In June, hacktivist groups HackNeT and the People’s Cyber Army claimed responsibility for a series of distributed DoS attacks on social media platforms. The People’s Cyber Army, linked to the notorious Sandworm group, referred to these attacks as mere “training exercises.”

The targets of these attacks included websites of popular tourist attractions like the La Rochelle International Film Festival and the Grand Palais. While the legitimacy of these claims remains in question, experts see this as an attempt by amateur hacktivists to garner attention and support.

Bojan Simic, CEO of HYPR, categorized these types of disruptions as nuisances rather than serious threats. However, Kaustubh Medhe from Cyble warned that such distractions could pave the way for more sophisticated attacks. The potential for a major data breach or disruptive cyber attack, similar to past incidents at the Rio and Pyeongchang Olympics, remains a concern.

As the Olympic Committee prepares for the Games, experts emphasize the need to stay vigilant against evolving cyber threats that may utilize AI-based attacks and sophisticated malware. While the Committee has taken steps to address DDoS attacks, their ability to combat newer forms of cyber threats remains to be seen. The stakes are high, and the world will be watching to see how they navigate these challenges to ensure a safe and secure Paris Olympics.

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