Perspectives from the Front Lines – Insightful CISO


Insider Threat Awareness Month: Perspectives from Industry Experts

National Insider Threat Awareness Month has brought to light the pressing issue of insider threats within organizations. Experts from Protegrity, Securin, Traceable, Zerto, FoxIt, and Datadobi have shared their unique perspectives on this topic.

According to Clyde Williamson from Protegrity, insider threats can be intentional or unintentional, but they both involve employees having access to valuable data that can be exploited by cyber attackers. To address these concerns, organizations need to implement new data security strategies, such as encryption and tokenization, to limit the impact of insider threats.

Kiran Chinnagangannagari from Securin emphasized the need for organizations to rethink user education and authentication in the face of sophisticated AI-powered phishing and social engineering attacks. Implementing passkeys, multi-factor authentication, and updated access controls can help mitigate insider threats.

Katie Paxton-Fear from Traceable AI highlighted the importance of human element in managing insider threats. Establishing comprehensive offboarding procedures, conducting regular employee audits, and providing employee assistance programs can reduce the likelihood of insider threats emerging.

Kevin Cole from Zerto emphasized the role of human error in data loss and urged organizations to invest in data protection solutions to prevent unauthorized access and ensure quick recovery after a breach.

DeeDee Kato from FoxIt stressed the importance of robust document security measures, especially when it comes to PDF files. Implementing encryption, digital signatures, redaction tools, and advanced permission settings can help protect sensitive information from insider threats.

Carl D’Halluin from Datadobi highlighted the vulnerability of unstructured data to insider threats and urged organizations to invest in solutions that provide visibility and control over their data. Fostering a culture of accountability and vigilance can help prevent insider threats and protect sensitive information.

Overall, these experts offer valuable insights on how organizations can address and mitigate insider threats to safeguard their data and reputation.

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