Technology Leaders Agree to Implement Standard AI Security Measures


“The Coalition for Secure AI (CoSAI) Unites Leading AI Companies to Prioritize Security and Safety”

Some of the biggest players in the artificial intelligence (AI) industry have come together to address the growing concerns around the security of generative AI technologies. The newly formed Coalition for Secure AI (CoSAI) includes industry giants like Google, OpenAI, and Anthropic, as well as key infrastructure providers Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Nvidia, and PayPal.

The primary objective of CoSAI is to establish a security-first approach to the development and use of AI, particularly focusing on creating standardized guardrails, security technologies, and tools to ensure the secure development of AI models. One of the key areas of focus for the coalition is AI and software supply chain security as well as preparing defenders for the evolving cyber landscape.

Google, one of the founding members of CoSAI, highlighted the importance of creating a secure environment and implementing systems of checks and balances around the access and use of AI. They also emphasized the need to develop a framework to protect AI models from cyberattacks.

The issue of AI safety has gained significant attention in recent years, with concerns arising around cybersecurity threats like social engineering and deepfake videos. Security firms are increasingly turning to AI to help identify and mitigate potential threats.

US President Joe Biden has also weighed in on the importance of AI safety and ethics, challenging the private sector to prioritize these aspects. His executive order in July 2023 called for major companies to develop safety standards and prevent AI misuse. CoSAI will collaborate with other organizations to establish common standards and best practices in the AI industry.

Overall, the formation of CoSAI represents a significant step towards ensuring the security and ethical use of AI technologies in an increasingly interconnected world. With the combined expertise and resources of these industry leaders, the coalition is poised to make a meaningful impact on the future of AI development and deployment.

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