Understand Your Adversary: Gathering and Spreading Threat Actor Intelligence


Key Strategies for Enhancing Threat Actor Intelligence Collection and Sharing

Hundreds of threat actor groups are lurking in the shadows, armed with resources and advanced tactics to target industries worldwide. Constant vigilance is key to understanding their behaviors and evolving techniques, but the challenges of monitoring these elusive entities are no easy feat.

Threat actors are constantly evolving their tactics, making it essential to stay updated with the latest news and reports to adjust defensive measures accordingly. Attributing attacks to specific threat actors is further complicated by the proliferation of misleading information and deceptive techniques they employ.

Enter AI Feeds powered by Feedly, offering a solution to the daunting task of threat actor intelligence collection. By leveraging AI models that scan the open web for real-time insights, organizations can stay ahead of threat actors’ ever-changing strategies. These AI Feeds not only deliver actionable intelligence such as Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) and Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) but also help prioritize critical information on team boards for seamless collaboration.

Moreover, Feedly’s customizable AI Feeds allow users to tailor their threat intelligence research by combining various AI models to track specific threat actor behaviors and malware associations. By automating the collection and analysis of threat actor intelligence, organizations can enhance their security posture and defend against sophisticated cyber threats effectively.

In a landscape where threat actors constantly adapt to evade detection, AI-powered solutions like Feedly’s AI Feeds offer a powerful tool for organizations to proactively defend against malicious actors and safeguard their digital assets.

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