Reviewing Positive Technologies’ Cybersecurity Extravaganza in 2024: A Recap from Security Review Magazine


Positive Technologies’ Positive Hack Days (PHDays) 2: A Premier Global Cybersecurity Event in Moscow 2024

Positive Technologies’ Positive Hack Days (PHDays) made a triumphant return to Moscow in May 2024, captivating cybersecurity enthusiasts from around the world. The four-day event, known as PHDays 2, took place at the Luzhniki Sports Complex and featured a plethora of technical talks, workshops, exhibitions, and the highly anticipated Standoff competition.

This year, PHDays unveiled the top 5 quantum tech cyberthreats, shedding light on the evolving landscape of digital security. With a record number of attendees and industry leaders in attendance, PHDays solidified its reputation as a premier global cybersecurity event.

But PHDays 2 wasn’t just for seasoned professionals. Embracing a “festival for all” approach, the event catered to a diverse audience, including families and students eager to learn about cybersecurity. Interactive exhibits and gamified experiences demystified complex security concepts, sparking interest and potentially inspiring the next generation of cybersecurity defenders.

The expert zone at PHDays 2 was a hub of cutting-edge insights and deep dives into technical cybersecurity topics. Renowned security experts delivered thought-provoking presentations on emerging threats like IoT attacks and ransomware tactics. Interactive workshops provided hands-on learning experiences in penetration testing, mobile security assessment, and blockchain security.

The highlight of PHDays 2 was undoubtedly the Standoff competition, where ethical hackers faced off against skilled defenders in a simulated cyber warzone. The intense battle showcased real-world cyberattacks and defence strategies, offering valuable insights to attendees.

Beyond the event itself, PHDays 2 serves as a catalyst for progress in the cybersecurity community. By fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation, PHDays accelerates the development of effective countermeasures against evolving threats. The event’s impact extends beyond its four days, inspiring the next generation of cybersecurity professionals and creating a vibrant global network of security experts.

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