Challenging the Misconception of Fear of Robots – Intelligent CIO Middle East


The Positive Impact of Intelligent Automation on Employee Satisfaction: Insights from Steve Siegel

Steve Siegel, Vice President of Product Marketing at SS&C Blue Prism, believes that intelligent automation is not something to be feared, but rather embraced as a friend that can greatly enhance employee satisfaction and retention.

In a global study commissioned by SS&C, it was found that intelligent automation delivered immense value to businesses, with 40% of decision-makers reporting that employee satisfaction had improved as a result. Furthermore, over half of the respondents anticipated a 7-10% increase in employee retention over the next two years.

The benefits of automation are not limited to one industry, as the study found similar patterns across various sectors such as financial services, manufacturing, public sector, and healthcare. This contrasted sharply with the dismal statistics revealed by Gallup’s World Poll, which showed that 85% of employees were unhappy in their jobs.

Automation is not about replacing humans with robots, but rather freeing them from mundane tasks to focus on more meaningful work like problem-solving and critical thinking. By automating routine tasks, employees can concentrate on business strategies, skills development, and career growth.

The key to successful implementation of automation lies in communication and cultural transformation within an organization. It is crucial for leaders to communicate the goals of automation and involve employees in the process to ensure a smooth transition.

Ultimately, intelligent automation is not the enemy depicted in science fiction movies, but a powerful tool that, when used correctly, can enhance employee confidence, improve job satisfaction, and drive business success. It is time to debunk the myth of robophobia and embrace automation as a valuable ally in the workplace.

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