DigiCert Launches World Quantum Readiness Day to Drive Secure Future-Proofing – Intelligent CISO


Heading: DigiCert Launches World Quantum Readiness Day to Enhance Future-Proof Security

DigiCert Establishes World Quantum Readiness Day to Propel Future-Proof Security

DigiCert, a leading provider of digital security solutions, has announced the establishment of the first-ever World Quantum Readiness Day, set to take place on September 26, 2024. This groundbreaking initiative is designed to bring attention to the pressing need for current security infrastructures to adapt to the imminent reality of Quantum Computing.

Quantum Computing poses a significant challenge to existing cryptographic standards, with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) warning that current algorithms may be compromised by the capabilities of Quantum Computing. As a result, organizations are urged to take a proactive approach to quantum readiness to protect against potential security breaches.

The World Quantum Readiness Day serves as a call to action for enterprises and governments worldwide to assess their preparedness for the upcoming quantum era. It emphasizes the importance of adopting post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standards, which are currently being developed by leading institutions like NIST to safeguard against future quantum-related vulnerabilities.

DigiCert is spearheading this global movement, advocating for a collaborative approach to ensure a quantum-resilient future. By working with industry leaders and leveraging collective expertise, DigiCert aims to lead the way in promoting quantum readiness and mitigating risks in the digital landscape.

Chief Product Officer of DigiCert, Deepika Chauhan, highlighted the significance of the event, stating, “Quantum Computing presents unprecedented opportunities across various sectors, but it also necessitates a fundamental reassessment of our cybersecurity frameworks. World Quantum Readiness Day marks the beginning of a global conversation on the importance of immediate, concerted action to embrace and secure our quantum future.”

As the date approaches, stakeholders are encouraged to participate in this pivotal event to ensure a secure digital future in the face of advancing technology.

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