Is there Really a Cyber Labor Shortage?; Meeting SEC Deadlines


CISO Corner: Weekly Digest of Articles for Security Operations Readers and Leaders

The latest issue of CISO Corner by Dark Reading covers a range of topics that are creating a buzz in the cybersecurity world. Here are some highlights from this week’s edition:

1. **CISOs & Their Companies Struggle to Comply with SEC Disclosure Rules**: Many companies are finding it challenging to determine whether a breach is material within the four days mandated by the SEC. This is skewing incident response and putting companies at risk of facing hefty fines for non-compliance. The issue of disclosure is a critical one, especially for cybersecurity teams who are grappling with the implications of the SEC’s rules.

2. **Podcast: Dark Reading Confidential: The CISO & the SEC**: In this podcast episode, experts delve into the complicated relationship between the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the role of the chief information security officer (CISO) within publicly traded companies. With recent high-profile breaches involving top executives, CISOs are now facing increased scrutiny and pressure to navigate the regulatory landscape effectively.

3. **Top 5 Most Dangerous Cyber Threats in 2024**: SANS Institute experts have identified the top threat vectors that enterprises need to be aware of in 2024. From the security impact of technical debt to the rise of synthetic identity in the AI age, organizations are facing a complex and evolving threat landscape that requires proactive measures to mitigate risks.

4. **Global: Singapore Cybersecurity Update Puts Cloud Providers on Notice**: Lawmakers in Singapore have updated the nation’s cybersecurity regulations to address the impact of cloud infrastructure on critical infrastructure management systems. With a growing cyber threat landscape in Asia, the amendments aim to hold third-party providers and cloud services accountable for safeguarding critical information infrastructure.

5. **There Is No Cyber Labor Shortage**: Contrary to popular belief, there is no shortage of cybersecurity talent in the market. Hiring managers may be overlooking qualified candidates by focusing too much on specific credentials and qualifications. By expanding their search criteria and tapping into candidates with potential and dedication, organizations can bridge the talent gap in the cybersecurity industry.

6. **Is CISA’s Secure by Design Pledge Toothless?**: CISA’s Secure by Design pledge, although voluntary and not legally binding, sets the tone for security expectations in the industry. By outlining key areas of security improvement, the pledge encourages organizations to adopt best practices and standards to enhance their cybersecurity posture.

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