Activities of Ransomware gang RAGroup surged by over 300%


Ransomware Group RAGroup Sees 300% Increase in Activity: Security Experts Offer Insights and Recommendations

The rise of ransomware group activities has been a cause for concern among cybersecurity experts, with the NCC Group’s Threat Intelligence team releasing new data that sheds light on the escalating threat landscape. The research highlighted a significant increase of more than 300% in activity from the notorious ransomware gang RAGroup since their last known attacks in December 2023, catapulting them into the top three threat actors for the first time.

Security leaders have weighed in on the alarming trend, emphasizing the critical need for organizations to bolster their cybersecurity defenses. Venky Raju, Field CTO at ColorTokens, pointed out the group’s primary attack vectors and stressed the importance of implementing microsegmentation to disrupt lateral movement within networks. Piyush Pandey, CEO at Pathlock, highlighted the need for robust data security measures in sectors targeted by ransomware groups, such as the technology and financial industries. Xen Madden, Cybersecurity Expert at Menlo Security, underscored the importance of user training and a multi-layered defense strategy to combat evolving cyber threats.

Meanwhile, Callie Guenther, Senior Manager at Critical Start, mentioned the seasonal spikes in cybercriminal activities and advised organizations to focus on behavioral analytics and network segmentation to mitigate ransomware attacks effectively. Darren Guccione, CEO and Co-Founder at Keeper Security, emphasized the necessity of a zero-trust security model and continuous monitoring to defend against ransomware threats.

As the cyber threat landscape continues to evolve with the emergence of new ransomware groups like Play and the resurgence of established actors like RAGroup, collaboration and intelligence sharing within the cybersecurity community are crucial to address these evolving threats efficiently and mitigate the impact of cyberattacks on businesses and organizations.

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