The Impact of the CDK Global Cyberattack: Lessons Learned and Contingency Planning Suggestions
A recent cyberattack on CDK Global has sent shockwaves through the automotive...
Levi’s Online Store Security Incident: Personal Information and Payment Details Potentially Compromised
Levi’s Online Store Hit by Credential-Stuffing Attack, 72,000 Accounts Affected
Levi’s, the iconic denim...
Geopolitical, cyber and security implications of upcoming British election - Episode 23
In a year filled with significant global elections, the spotlight now turns to...
Intersec Dubai: $16.7 Billion in Security Deals Generated
The 25th edition of Intersec held in Dubai earlier this year has proved to be a game-changer...
Jollibee Cyberattack: Data Breach Exposes Sensitive Information of 32 Million Customers
Jollibee, the beloved fast-food chain in the Philippines, is currently facing a major crisis...
Importance of Consent in Data Privacy and Protection Policies
Glassdoor Users Allege Data Collection Without Consent
Users of the popular platform Glassdoor, known for its anonymous...