Six Arrested and Millions Seized in International Effort to Bust Austrian Crypto Scam


The recent crackdown on a cryptocurrency scam orchestrated by a group of Austrians has resulted in the recovery of millions of Euros in a coordinated international effort involving authorities from Austria, Cyprus, and Czechia, supported by Europol and Eurojust.

The scam revolved around a fake cryptocurrency launched in December 2017 through an online trading company offering an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Investors were lured in with promises of 10 million new tokens and a unique algorithm, only to be left stranded when the company’s website and social media accounts disappeared in February 2018.

The investigation, aided by Europol’s expertise and Eurojust’s coordination, uncovered the Austrian connection behind the fraudulent scheme. Five operational meetings and a specialist deployment to Cyprus helped gather crucial information. On the action day, European Arrest Warrants and search warrants were executed seamlessly across the participating countries.

As a result, six Austrian nationals were arrested, over €500,000 in cryptocurrency, €250,000 in traditional currency, and numerous bank accounts were seized. Luxury cars and a property worth €1.4 million were also confiscated. The investigation continues to identify all victims of the scam.

This case underscores the importance of international collaboration in combating cryptocurrency crimes. Investors are advised to exercise caution with ICOs, emphasizing transparency and credible project teams. Follow for more updates on cybersecurity news.

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