Using Feedly to Create an “Innovation Hub”: How DB Schenker identified new business opportunities


DB Schenker’s innovation team has made a significant impact company-wide by utilizing Feedly to create an innovation, trend, and opportunity hub. This hub allows them to analyze and distribute content to different departments, helping them gather intelligence, monitor trends, and spot emerging technologies within the logistics industry.

Jacek Pucher, the Global Innovation Manager for DB Schenker, spearheaded this initiative to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in logistics. The challenge they faced was the overwhelming amount of information published online daily, making it impossible to manually monitor trends and opportunities. To address this, Jacek implemented Feedly AI to build a scalable solution for surfacing trends efficiently.

By setting up AI feeds to track logistics innovations, trends, and competitors, as well as creating curated newsletters disseminating valuable market intelligence information, DB Schenker was able to establish an innovation hub within the company. This hub now has over 18 newsletters with more than 2,000 active subscriptions, showcasing the success of the initiative.

Furthermore, by using Feedly as a central hub for market intelligence, DB Schenker has fostered collaboration across different departments and created a network of individuals who can share insights and support each other. This collaborative effort has been instrumental in breaking down information silos within the company and ensuring that all teams are well-informed about the latest industry developments.

Overall, DB Schenker’s small innovation team has achieved a huge impact company-wide by leveraging Feedly to streamline the process of monitoring trends, identifying business opportunities, and sharing valuable insights.

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